

Simple is Best – Marking Presses for Visual Inspection

By |August 27th, 2020|Categories: TechTalk|

Over the past 10-15 years, the introduction of copper press fittings into the Australian market has made a dramatic impact on the way we go about joining copper tube. With the installation process so easy, sometimes complacency can creep into work habits and in some cases, even forgetting to [...]

Supporting Australia’s Copper Capacity

By |August 27th, 2020|Categories: Feature Articles|

John Fennell, Chief Executive Officer at International Copper Association. Australia. COVID-19 is putting the spotlight on Australia’s home grown industries and for copper that means MM Kembla says John Fennell. MM Kembla was founded in 1916 to convert Australia’s rich copper resources to finished copper products and [...]

Health Benefits Copper Water Tube

By |August 27th, 2020|Categories: TechTalk|

Three Key Reasons Why Copper Has Superior Health Benefits 1. ‘Copper has a unique ability to reduce the threat of disease from waterborne bacteria’. Copper, when compared to plastic pipes, has demonstrated superior control of waterborne bacteria. Prior studies have demonstrated the antimicrobial behaviour of copper and the inhibitory [...]

Preventing condensation with insulated Paircoil and PaircoilMAX

By |August 27th, 2020|Categories: TechTalk|

What is ‘dewpoint’? The air surrounding us contains water vapour. The water vapour content of this air can vary greatly, and in general warm air can absorb more water than cold air. As the air near a pipe cools, the air becomes more saturated until it reaches a point [...]

R410a Refrigeration Tube in 0.81 and 0.91 wall thickness

By |August 27th, 2020|Categories: TechTalk|

Did you know? MM Kembla Copper Tubes with diameters 12.70mm and under are available in two wall thicknesses suitable for R410a High-pressure refrigerants, 0.81 wall thickness and 0.91 wall thickness. These products are suited to higher-pressure refrigerant gas and can also be recommended for use with R22, R134a lower [...]

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