
Copper Mark – Making a mark on responsibly produced copper

By |April 6th, 2021|Categories: Feature Articles, News|

It is no secret that copper as a material has played an integral part in sustainable energy initiatives and is one of the bright lights in the move towards cleaner energy and motor vehicle electrification. As the demand for copper increases so to has the industry's commitment to responsibly [...]

Kembla PipeLag – Lagging for drainage pipe

By |April 1st, 2021|Categories: News, Product News|Tags: , , |

MM Kembla are pleased to announce the arrival of Kembla PipeLag to our integrated piping system offering - the high quality green polyethylene lagging for drainage pipe and fittings. PipeLag is a cross linked closed cell polyethylene lagging (XLPE) manufactured by renowned global insulation manufacturer L’isolante K-Flex. Compliant with [...]

Kembla Flexible Hoses – Available Now

By |March 31st, 2021|Categories: News, Product News|

We don't just specialise in back of wall products - we also provide the highest quality front of wall products for the plumbing industry. MM Kembla are pleased to launch our new range of high quality flexible stainless steel braided pex hoses. Kembla Flexible Hoses are manufactured using long [...]

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