The MM Kembla brand is renowned for producing the highest quality Kembla Copper Medical Gas Tube for medical gas supply, medical suction and gas supply to surgical tools across Australia, New Zealand, Asia & The Middle East. Kembla Copper Medical Gas Tube is available to 2 international standards including: AS/NZS 1571 as per AS2896 and BS EN 13348.
All Kembla Copper Medical Gas Tube is manufactured with the highest quality copper and unique manufacturing and cleaning processes for optimal internal cleanliness to ensure the safe and hygienic transmission of critical medical gas supply in hospitals, healthcare and aged care centres and surgical facilities.

Kembla Copper Medical Gas Tube manufactured to AS/NZS1571 as per AS2896
Kembla seamless copper tube manufactured to Australian Standard AS/NZS 1571 as per the requirements of AS2896 is suitable for use in medical gas supply, medical suction or vacuum lines and supply of gas to surgical tools. Utilising unique manufacturing and cleaning techniques, Kembla Medical Gas Tube is cleaned and capped and exhibits with superior carbon and internal cleanliness to prevent gas contamination, spontaneous combustion of residual lubricant and oxygen under pressure and maintain hygienic transmission to patients.
Available in sizes 6.35mm up to and including 101.60mm as “Hard Drawn” and bendable “Half Hard” 6 metre straight lengths, Kembla Medical Gas Tube meets the dimensional and cleanliness requirements of the Medical Gas Installation Code AS2896 and is the premier brand of medical copper tube used throughout hospitals and health care facilities across Australia.
Kembla Copper Medical Gas Tube AS/NS 1571 as per AS2896 – Product Tables
Kembla Copper Medical Gas Tube manufactured to BS EN 13348
Kembla seamless copper tube manufactured to British and European Standard BS EN 13348 is suitable for use in medical gas supply, medical suction or vacuum lines and supply of gas to surgical tools. Utilising unique manufacturing and cleaning techniques, Kembla Medical Gas Tube is cleaned and capped and exhibits with superior carbon and internal cleanliness to prevent gas contamination, spontaneous combustion of residual lubricant and oxygen under pressure and maintain hygienic transmission to patients.
Available in sizes 8mm to 159mm diameter in the equivalent wall thickness of ‘Table X” copper tube in “Hard Drawn” and bendable “Half Hard” 5.8 metre straight lengths. Specified throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia, BS EN 13348 copper tube is the only copper tube specified in the Health Technical Memorandum 02-01 and ISO 7396-1, which dictate the current best practice for the installations of pipelines for compressed medical gas and vacuum systems.
Kembla Copper Medical Gas Tube BS EN 13348 – Product Tables
Australian & New Zealand, British & European brochures and certifications.